Liturgie und Glaube

'Legem credendi lex statuat supplicandi' (Tiro Prosper von Aquitanien). Eine theologiegeschichtliche Untersuchung

L'argument liturgique: lex orandi - lex credendi chez Augustin (pp. 19-41): la valeur pédagogique et doctrinale de la liturgie; la liturgie comme argument en faveur des dogmes de la grâce, de la prédestination, du péché originel, de la peccabilitas de l'homme, du purgatoire; les fondements de l'auto...

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Bibliographic Details
Author:Karl Federer
Published: Paulusverlag, Freiburg in der Schweiz, 1950
Total Pages:VIII-144
Topic:- Biography > Relations and Sources > Latin Christian writers > Ambrose / Pseudo-Ambrose > Ambrose
- Biography > Relations and Sources > Latin Christian writers > Cyprian / Pseudo Cyprian
- Biography > Relations and Sources > Latin Christian writers > Optatus of Milevius
- Biography > Relations and Sources > Latin Christian writers > Tertullian
- Works > Studies on Vocabulary/Themes > Topics - Latin vocabulary > L > Lex orandi, lex credendi
- Works > Liturgy in augustinian work > General studies > Liturgy
- Works > Anti-Pelagian Works > De dono perseverantiae > [XXII] > 22, 63-65
- Works > Epistulae > [Epistulae - numérotées] > Ep. 217
- Influence and Survival > The Middle Ages (430-1453) > Influence on the various authors and writings > Prosper of Aquitaine (ca. 309- ca. 463)
- Influence and Survival > The Middle Ages (430-1453) > Influence on the various authors and writings > Vincent of Lérins