The Noetic Triad in Plotinus, Marius Victorinus, and Augustine

dans: Wallis (R.T.) - Bregman (J.) (éd)., Neoplatonism and Gnosticism 531p

Bibliographic Details
Author:Peter Manchester
Published: State University Press, New-York, 1992
Topic:- Biography > Relations and Sources > Platonism - Neo-platonism > Plotinus > Plotinus
- Biography > Relations and Sources > Latin Christian writers > Marius Victorinus
- Doctrine > Man > [Doctrine de la connaissance] > [Exposés d'ensemble] > Knowledge
Status:Needs Review
Summary:dans: Wallis (R.T.) - Bregman (J.) (éd)., Neoplatonism and Gnosticism 531p