La parabola della zizzania (Mt 13,24-30 e 36-43) nei commenti biblici altomedievali (secc. VI-X)

Summary: During the Early Middle ages, and especially in the Carolingian period, the interpretation if the parable of the wheat and the tares followed the readings of Jerome and Augustine. Tha parable underlines that the righteous and the sinner will be divided only at the end of time, and thus urge...

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Détails bibliographiques
Auteur:Raffaele Savigni
Publié: S.n., s.l., 2005
Périodique:Cristianesimo nella storia
Sujet:- Doctrine > De l'homme à Dieu > La révélation divine > Exégèse > Exégèse des textes du Nouveau Testament > Matthieu > Mt 13 > Mt 13,24-30
- Doctrine > De l'homme à Dieu > La révélation divine > Exégèse > Exégèse des textes du Nouveau Testament > Matthieu > Mt 13 > Mt 13,36-43
- Influence et Survie > Le Moyen Âge (430-1453)
Résumé:Summary: During the Early Middle ages, and especially in the Carolingian period, the interpretation if the parable of the wheat and the tares followed the readings of Jerome and Augustine. Tha parable underlines that the righteous and the sinner will be divided only at the end of time, and thus urges Christians to bear patience towards sinners; the church should judge the guilty only in the case of public sins and heresies, and the punishment would consist of removal from the community. At the beginning of the second millennium, heresy became the main concern of the Church, which then openly legitimized, after some hesitation, its violent repression.