Medieval doctrines of human freedom

The present survey of medieval views of human freedom aims at clarifying the problems about freedom that occupied medieval philosophers (from Augustine to Duns Scotus), the backgrounds in which these problems arose, and the types of solutions they devised.

Bibliographic Details
Author:Lawrence D. Roberts
Topic:- Doctrine > Man > [Liberté. Délectation victorieuse. Volonté] > Liberty > Liberty
- Influence and Survival > The Middle Ages (430-1453) > General studies of the survival of Augustine in the Greek world and in western thought and schools > [Survie dans le Moyen Âge occidental (généralités)]
Status:Needs Review
Summary:The present survey of medieval views of human freedom aims at clarifying the problems about freedom that occupied medieval philosophers (from Augustine to Duns Scotus), the backgrounds in which these problems arose, and the types of solutions they devised.