Mediatoris Sacramentum

Cristo mediador en San Agustín

Abstract : The mediation of Christ has a profound Christological and anthropological meaning. Mediator is the favourite Christological title used by St. Augustine, which he quotes insistently from 1 Tim 2,5 and the theological contents of which he developed. This article analyses the two fundamental...

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Bibliographic Details
Author:César Izquierdo
Published: S.n., s.l., 2007
Periodical:Scripta theologica
Topic:- Works > Studies on Vocabulary/Themes > Topics - Latin vocabulary > S > Sacramentum
- Works > De civitate Dei > civ. Dei IX
- Works > Sermones > Ss. per numerum > S. 293
- Works > Sermones > Dolbeau > Sermones Dolbeau > Dolbeau 26 [= Sermo 198 augm.]
- Doctrine > From man to God > Jesus Christ. Redemption. Sacraments. Church. Grace. Mariology. > Christology > Christ Doctor and the Redemption > [Christ médiateur] > Christ Mediator
- Works > Studies on Vocabulary/Themes > Topics - Latin vocabulary > M > Mediator
- Doctrine > From man to God > Divine revelation > Exegesis > [Exégèse des textes du Nouveau Testament] > Epistles of St. Paul > [I - II Timothée] > I Tim > 1 Tim 2,5
Summary:Abstract : The mediation of Christ has a profound Christological and anthropological meaning. Mediator is the favourite Christological title used by St. Augustine, which he quotes insistently from 1 Tim 2,5 and the theological contents of which he developed. This article analyses the two fundamental texts: the ninth book of De civitate Dei (which is accompanied by some references to the 26th Dolbeau sermon) and sermon 293. From the perspective of these writings and from other references to the Augustinian corpus the nature of the mediation is examined. After this, the article takes on three main issues: mediator, quia homo, the expression sacramentum mediatoris used by Augustine, and relationship between the mediation and the priesthood of Christ.