Augustine and the epistolary rituals of the social and cultural elite of his time

a processual analysis of the relations between bishop and city in late antiquity
Bibliographic Details
Author:Éric Rebillard
Translator:Aaron Pelttari
Pages:pp. 89-114
Notes:English translation of "Augustin et le rituel épistolaire de l'élite sociale et culturelle de son temps : éléments pour une analyse processuelle des relations de l'évêque de la cité dans l'Antiquité tardive", in <i>L'évêque dans la cité du IV au Ve siècle : image et autorité </i>, eds É. Rebillard and C. Sotinel (Rome : École française de Rome, 1998), pp. 127-152.
Topic:- Biography > Background > Roman World > Rome/Roman Empire > social classes
- Biography > Person and Life > Augustin, shepard of souls > Bishop
- Biography > Relations and Sources > Students & Correspondents > correspondents
- Biography > Relations and Sources > Donatism. Tyconius > Donatism
- Works > Epistulae
Parent Work: Transformations of Religious Practices in Late Antiquity
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