A short history of monastical orders, in which the primitive institution of monks, their tempers, habits, rules and the condition they are in at present, are treated of

By Gabriel d'Emillianne [= Anthony Gavin]

CHAP. VI: Of the pretended Monastical Rules of St. Augustin. The First Rule under the Name of St. Augustin. The Second Rule under the Name of St. Augustin. The Third Rule under the Name of St. Augustin. A Reflection upon these Three Rules attri∣buted to St. Augustin. CHAP. VII: Of the Order and Cong...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autor:Gabriel D'Emillianne
Publicado: S. Roycroft, London, 1693
Notas:Reprint: 2001, Ann Harbor (MI), University of Michigan, 364 p. 2011, EEBO Editions, Proquest, 364 p. 978-1240851034.
Páginas Total:[38]-312
Tópico:- Biografía > Persona y Vida > [Monachisme d'Augustin] > [Monachisme]
- Obras > Regula S. Augustini > [Regula]
- Doctrina > Del hombre a Dios > [Morale] > [Spiritualité. Perfection. Conseils évangéliques] > [Spiritualité : institutions] > [Ermites de Saint-Augustin]
Sumario:CHAP. VI: Of the pretended Monastical Rules of St. Augustin. The First Rule under the Name of St. Augustin. The Second Rule under the Name of St. Augustin. The Third Rule under the Name of St. Augustin. A Reflection upon these Three Rules attri∣buted to St. Augustin. CHAP. VII: Of the Order and Congregations of Re∣gular Canons of St. Augustin, and first of the Congregation of Lateran in Ita∣ly. Of the Congregation of Regular Canons of St. Saviour in Italy. Of the Regular Congregations of St. George's in Alga at Venice, and of St. George's in Sicily. Of the Order of the Regular Canons of the Holy Sepulcher. Of the Congregation of the Regular Canons of St. Genevieve of Paris. Of the Congregation of the Regular Canons of St. Victor at Paris. Of the Congregation of St. Rufe in Dau∣phine. The Congregation of our Saviour in Lorrain. Of the Congregation of the Regular Canons of Windesem in the Low Countries. Of the Congregation of Regular Canons of of St. Croix of Conimbria in Portugal. Of other Houses of Regular Canons. Of the Order of the Hermits of St. Au∣gustin. Of the Orders and Rules of Cassianus, Cae∣sarius and Isidorus. Of the Order of the Williamites. Of the Zambonites.