Faustus of Riez: Initium Bonae Voluntatis

By concentrating on Faustus' efforts in De gratia dei et humanae mentis libero arbitrio to com to terms with the threat of predestinarianism inherent in the Augustinian tradition, we can come closer to understanding his position as well as Augustine's.

Bibliographic Details
Author:Marianne Djuth
Published: S.n., s.l., 1990
Periodical:Augustinian Studies
Topic:- Influence and Survival > The Middle Ages (430-1453) > Augustinus Magister. Augustinianism > Augustinianism
- Influence and Survival > The Middle Ages (430-1453) > General studies of the survival of Augustine in the Greek world and in western thought and schools > [Pensée médiévale (par sujet)] > Predestination
- Influence and Survival > The Middle Ages (430-1453) > Influence on the various authors and writings > [Fauste de Riez]
Status:Needs Review
Summary:By concentrating on Faustus' efforts in De gratia dei et humanae mentis libero arbitrio to com to terms with the threat of predestinarianism inherent in the Augustinian tradition, we can come closer to understanding his position as well as Augustine's.