Prédestination (suite)

IV. Le Haut Moyen Âge. V. Le Moyen Âge. VI. Remise en cause: Luther et Calvin. Concile de Trente. VII. Baius et Jansénius. VIII. Au-delà des affrontements. IX. Attitude de quelques saints.

Bibliographic Details
Author:Francis Ferrier
Published: S.n., s.l., 1987
Notes:bibliogr. (1/4p.)
Periodical:Catholicisme: hier, aujourd'hui, demain
Topic:- Doctrine > From man to God > Jesus Christ. Redemption. Sacraments. Church. Grace. Mariology. > Grace > [Prédestination - Élection (grâce et liberté)] > Predestination
- Influence and Survival > The Middle Ages (430-1453) > General studies of the survival of Augustine in the Greek world and in western thought and schools > [Pensée médiévale (par sujet)] > Predestination
- Influence and Survival > Baianism and Jansenism > Baius, Michael (1513-1589)
- Influence and Survival > Baianism and Jansenism > Janssens, Corneille [Jansenius] (1585-1638)
Status:Needs Review