Easter in the Early Church

An Anthology of Jewish and Early Christian Texts

Selected, Annotated and Introduced by ---; Revised and Augmented by the Author; Ed. by James M. Quigley and Joseph Lienhard

Détails bibliographiques
Auteur:Raniero Cantalamessa
Publié: The Liturgical Press, Collegeville (MN), 1993
Collection:A Liturgical Press Book
Pages Totales:XIII, 254
Sujet:- Oeuvres > La liturgie dans l'oeuvre augustinienne > Temps liturgiques. Catéchuménat. > Pâques
Statut:Needs Review
Résumé:Selected, Annotated and Introduced by ---; Revised and Augmented by the Author; Ed. by James M. Quigley and Joseph Lienhard