Memory and Imagination in Augustine's 'Confessions'

B. perceptively describes the four-fold function of imagination, not the least of which is the way it arranges memories and their meanings in accordance with the truth. 'Memory and imagination lie at the heart of the Confessions, for together they overcome the problem raised implicity by the De doct...

Ausführliche Beschreibung

Bibliographische Detailangaben
VerfasserIn:Todd Breyfogle
Veröffentlicht: S.n., s.l., 1994
Zeitschrift:New Blackfriars
Thema:- Werke > Confessiones
- Doktrin > Der Mensch > [Doctrine de la connaissance] > [Connaissance sensible (le rêve)] > [Rêve-songe-imagination-l'imaginaire-vision(s)] > [Imagination-l'imaginaire-image(s)]
- Doktrin > Der Mensch > [Doctrine de la connaissance] > Gedächtnis
Zusammenfassung:B. perceptively describes the four-fold function of imagination, not the least of which is the way it arranges memories and their meanings in accordance with the truth. 'Memory and imagination lie at the heart of the Confessions, for together they overcome the problem raised implicity by the De doctrina christiana: Leaving behind the signs to apprehend the things themselves' (221). B. thus moves beyond definition to the way that Augustine presents imagination in the Confessions.