The theology of sharing: apostolic community and ecclesiastical property in the early Middle Ages

Explores the afterlife of the apostolic ideal in the Frankish realms, focusing on the theology and diverse interpretations of Augustine, Julianus Pomerius, Pope Gregory I, Bede and Pseudo-Isidore as stages in the growth of ideology.

Bibliographic Details
Author:David Ganz
Published: S.n., s.l., 1995
Topic:- Doctrine > From man to God > Jesus Christ. Redemption. Sacraments. Church. Grace. Mariology. > [Cité de Dieu. Ecclésiologie] > [Église : thèmes] > [Église - communion]
- Doctrine > From man to God > [Morale] > [Spiritualité. Perfection. Conseils évangéliques] > [communauté] > [Communauté de biens]
- Doctrine > From man to God > [Morale] > [Pauvreté] > [Bien matériel/créés/terrestres] > [Biens matériels] > [Emploi]
Parent Work: Property and Power in the Early Middle Ages
Summary:Explores the afterlife of the apostolic ideal in the Frankish realms, focusing on the theology and diverse interpretations of Augustine, Julianus Pomerius, Pope Gregory I, Bede and Pseudo-Isidore as stages in the growth of ideology.