Augustinian Mysticism in Fourteenth-Century Germany: Henry of Freimar and Jordanus of Quedlinburg

H. analyzes A.'s influence on two foutheenth-century writers. He concludes that "Augustinian mysticism reached a level of great maturity and sophistication among these German Augustinian writers in the early fouteenth century".

Bibliographic Details
Author:Jeremiah Hackett
Published: Peter Lang, New York, 1994
Augustinian Historical Institute, Villanova, 1994
Topic:- Influence and Survival > The Middle Ages (430-1453) > Influence on the various authors and writings > [Henri De Friemar]
- Influence and Survival > The Middle Ages (430-1453) > Influence on the various authors and writings > [Jourdain de Quedlinberg]
Parent Work: Augustine, Mystic and Mystagogue
Status:Needs Review