'Per Christum Hominem ad Christum Deum'

Augustine's Homilies on John's Gospel

I. The mediatorship of Christ: "Per Christum Hominem ad Christum Deum", p. 125-136; 1. Christ as Physician, p. 127-130; 2. Healed through the Humility of Christ, p. 130-132; 3. Christ as Teacher, p. 133-136; II. Discipleship: "Imitando Imitatores Christi", p. 136-143; 1. The Path of Interiority, p....

Ausführliche Beschreibung

Bibliographische Detailangaben
VerfasserIn:Eoin Cassidy
Veröffentlicht: Four Courts Press, Dublin, 1998
Thema:- Werke > In Ioannis Evangelium et Epistulam > Tractatus in Iohannis Evangelium
- Doktrin > Von Mensch zu Gott > Jesus Christus. Erlösung. Sakramente. Kirche.Gnade. Mariologie. > Christologie > [LImitation du Christ - le Christ dans la vie et spiritualité d'Augustin] > [Imitation du Christ]
- Doktrin > Von Mensch zu Gott > Jesus Christus. Erlösung. Sakramente. Kirche.Gnade. Mariologie. > Christologie > Christus-Arzt und der Erlösung > [Christ médiateur]
Hauptwerk: Studies in Patristic Christology
Zusammenfassung:I. The mediatorship of Christ: "Per Christum Hominem ad Christum Deum", p. 125-136; 1. Christ as Physician, p. 127-130; 2. Healed through the Humility of Christ, p. 130-132; 3. Christ as Teacher, p. 133-136; II. Discipleship: "Imitando Imitatores Christi", p. 136-143; 1. The Path of Interiority, p. 137-138; 2. The life of Interiority and Faith, p. 138-139; 3. The Life of Interiority and Fraternal Love, p. 139-140; 4. The Life of Interiority and Desire, p. 141-142; Conclusion, p. 142-143