St. Augustine's 'Confessions': the search for a christian self.

Bibliographic Details
Author:Karl Joachim Weintraub
Published: Purdue University Press, West Lafayette (Indiana), 1990
Notes:Cet article est un chapitre de son livre The Value of the Individual: Self and Circumstance in Autobiography, Chicago, the University of Chicago Press, 1978. K.J.W. retrace l'itinéraire qui a conduit Augustin à la découverte de lui-même; être non unique mais typique, dont l'histoire peut servir de modèle de vie chrétienne. 'How did Augustine inderstand himself? What answers did Augustine give to the question: 'Who am I'? and 'How did I become what I am?' sont les question auxquelles l'A. s'efforce de répondre.
Topic:- Biography > Person and Life > Specialized biographical studies > self-understanding of Augustine
- Biography > Person and Life > Specialized biographical studies > psychology of Augustine
- Works > Augustine writer > Rhetoric. Dialectic > Autobiography
- Works > Confessiones
- Doctrine > Man > [Doctrine de la connaissance] > [Connaissance de soi. Le cogito] > [Le moi - subjectivité] > [Recherche du moi]
Parent Work: The Hunger of the Heart
Status:Needs Review
Description not available.