Hiltalinger's Augustinian Quotations

dans: Oberman (Heiko, A.), e.a., Via Augustini: Augustine in the later Middle Ages, Renaissancen and Reformation: essays in honor of Damasus Trapp, osa., p. 189-220

Bibliographic Details
Author:Damasus Trapp
Published: E.J. Brill, Leiden-New York-Kobenhavn-Köln, 1991
Total Pages:VII-242
Topic:- Influence and Survival > The Middle Ages (430-1453) > Influence on the various authors and writings
Status:Needs Review
Summary:dans: Oberman (Heiko, A.), e.a., Via Augustini: Augustine in the later Middle Ages, Renaissancen and Reformation: essays in honor of Damasus Trapp, osa., p. 189-220