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Traduction de l'anglais Meaning in history. The theological implication of the philosophy of history. Chicago, The university of Chicago Press - London, Cambridge University Press, 1949. (257). Comment la conception de l'histoire s'est de plus en plus sécularisée en Occident: la bible, Paul Orose, A...

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Bibliographic Details
Author:Karl Loewith
Published: Het Spectrum, Utrecht- Antwerpen, 1960
Total Pages:224
Topic:- Biography > Relations and Sources > Latin Christian writers > Orosius
- Works > De civitate Dei
- Doctrine > Time. History > Time > [Temporalité] > [Temps cyclique]
- Doctrine > Time. History > History > Theology of history
- Influence and Survival > [Époque Contemporaine (1789-1960)] > Authors > Burckhardt, Jacob (1818-1897)
Status:Needs Review
Summary:Traduction de l'anglais Meaning in history. The theological implication of the philosophy of history. Chicago, The university of Chicago Press - London, Cambridge University Press, 1949. (257). Comment la conception de l'histoire s'est de plus en plus sécularisée en Occident: la bible, Paul Orose, Augustin (pp. 148-159), Joachim de Fiore, Bossuet, Vico, Voltaire, Turgot, Comte, Constant, Proudhon, Hegel, Marx et Burckhardt.