On a complex theory of a simple God

Limitative and ampliative properties in Aquinas' Theology

Augustin? Classé sous Augustin dans UMI 1985, Philosophy, February, p. 7.

Bibliographic Details
Author:Christopher Mark Hughes
Published: Ph.D., University of Pittsburgh, (s.l.), 1983
Total Pages:296
Topic:- Doctrine > God. Trinity > God > [Conception humaine de Dieu] > [Simplicité de Dieu]
- Influence and Survival > The Middle Ages (430-1453) > Influence on the various authors and writings > Thomas of Aquin (+/- 1225-1274)
Status:Needs Review
Summary:Augustin? Classé sous Augustin dans UMI 1985, Philosophy, February, p. 7.