
Six chapitres alertes qui devraient séduire un large public et l'inciter à lire les grandes oeuvres d'Augustin. Le ch. 1: "Augustine the African", présente une esquisse biographique; le ch. 2: "Elements of Christianity", donne une analyse du De doctrina christiana; le ch. 3: "Christianity and Societ...

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Bibliographic Details
Author:James J. O'Donnell
Published: Twayne Publishers, Boston, 1985
Series:World Authors Latin
Total Pages:XII-152
Topic:- Biography > Person and Life > Medieval and modern biographies > biography > summary biography
- Works > General > Pastoral works
- Works > Retractationes
- Works > Doctrinal works > De doctrina christiana
- Works > Confessiones
- Works > De civitate Dei
- Doctrine > General studies > [Introductions. Synthèses] > [Introduction] > [Doctrine]
- Doctrine > General studies > [Introductions. Synthèses] > [Introduction] > [Oeuvres]