Elite realities and mentalités: the making of a western Christian aristocraty

Sur l' 'Ep. 243, 12' d' Augustin There existed in the west among the aristocracy of the late 4th and early 5th cents. a set of collective ideas or beliefs (a mentalité) based upon a concern with personal honor: the existence of tyhat mentalité can be seen in the rhetorical discourse of Western bisho...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autor:Michele Renee Salzman
Publicado: S.n., s.l., 2000
Tópico:- Biografía > Relaciones y Fuentes > [Écrivains chrétiens latins] > [Ambrosiaster]
- Obras > Epistulae > [Epistulae - numérotées] > Ep. 243 > [243, 12]
Estado:Needs Review
Sumario:Sur l' 'Ep. 243, 12' d' Augustin There existed in the west among the aristocracy of the late 4th and early 5th cents. a set of collective ideas or beliefs (a mentalité) based upon a concern with personal honor: the existence of tyhat mentalité can be seen in the rhetorical discourse of Western bishops of the time, which was shaped in form and content to appeal to the elite status culture (e.g. Ambrose, De off. 1, 130, 150; Jerome, Ep. 120, 1; Aug. Ep. 243, 12: Ambrosiaster, In 1 Ep. ad Tom. 5,16)