'Der Mensch als des Ereignis der Selbstmitteilung Gottes'

Karl Rahners anthropologisch gewendete Christologie in der Begegnung mit Augustins gratialer Christozentrik in 'De trinitate'. Ein Versuch

Diss. Master's Degree in Theology.

Bibliographic Details
Author:Quy Cong Lam
Conductor:Mathijs Lamberigts
Published: Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Faculty of Theology, Leuven, 2002
Total Pages:89-XI
Topic:- Works > De Trinitate
- Doctrine > Man > Augustinian anthropology > Anthropology
- Doctrine > From man to God > Jesus Christ. Redemption. Sacraments. Church. Grace. Mariology. > Christology
- Influence and Survival > [Époque Contemporaine (1789-1960)] > Authors > Heidegger, Martin (1889-1976)
- Influence and Survival > [Époque Contemporaine (1789-1960)] > Authors > Rahner, Karl (1904-1984)
Status:Needs Review
Summary:Diss. Master's Degree in Theology.