Augustine, Evil , and Donatism: Sin and Sanctity Before the Pelagian Controversy.

Position d'Augustin sur le pèche et la sainteté avant la controveue pélagienne.

Bibliographic Details
Author:Peter Iver Kaufman
Published: S.n., s.l., 1990
Notes:A propos des ouvrages de G.R. Evans, Augustine one Evil, New York, 1982 et d'E. Pagels, Adam, Ee and the Serpent, New York, 1988 (cf. Bulletin aug. pour 1988/89, p.416)
Periodical:Theological Studies
Topic:- Biography > Relations and Sources > Donatism. Tyconius > Donatism
- Works > Anti-Donatist Works > Ad Cresconium grammaticum partis Donati
- Doctrine > From man to God > Evil. Sin > Evil
- Doctrine > From man to God > [Morale] > [Sainteté]
Status:Needs Review