A Monument to Saint Augustine

Essays on some aspects of his thought written in commemoration of his 15th Centenary
Bibliographic Details
Published: Sheed & Ward, London, 1930
Sheed & Ward, London, 1945
Notes:Réimprimé sous le titre 'Saint Augustine: His Age, Life and Tought, 1957.
Total Pages:367
Topic:- Biography > Person and Life > Centenary > centenary of 1930
Child Work(s): The Philosophy of St. Augustine
The latent resources in St. Augustine's Thought
A Sketch of the Life and Character of St. Augustine
The mysticism of St. Augustine.
St. Augustine and Humanism
St. Augustine and Humanism
The Future of augustinian metaphysics
St. Augustine and the modern world
St. Augustine's System of Morals
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