The Sermon as Goad and Nail

Preaching in Hélinand of Froidmont

K. discusses various passages from Helinand's edited which illustrate his views of the preacer's responsibilities. Some of the obligations of his office, such as nurturing the Divine World and setting an example of virtuous living, are treated in the tradition of St. Augustine and St. Gregory (Regul...

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Détails bibliographiques
Auteur:Beverly M. Kienzle
Sujet:- Influence et Survie > Le Moyen Âge (430-1453) > Influence sur les divers auteurs et écrits > Hélinand de Froidmont
Parent Work: Goad and Nail
Statut:Needs Review
Résumé:K. discusses various passages from Helinand's edited which illustrate his views of the preacer's responsibilities. Some of the obligations of his office, such as nurturing the Divine World and setting an example of virtuous living, are treated in the tradition of St. Augustine and St. Gregory (Regula Pastoralis). The duty of the preacher to admonish others is the most distinctive and personal feature of Helinand's ideas on preaching.