Confesiones 5,15 de Agustín

Una reescritura a modo de palimpsesto

Abstract: The article studies the lexical parallelism between the text of conf. 5, 15 and the Aeneid. From this parallel, semantic and semiotic conclusions are drawn, to show that one of the texts which lies under Conf 5, 15 as an hypotext is the text of Vigil's Aeneid, books IV-VI.

Bibliographic Details
Author:Concetta Scibetta
Translator:Enrique A. Eguiarte Bendímez
Published: S.n., s.l., 2009
Notes:El original italiano de este artículo se publicó en las actas del XXXVI incontro di studiosi dell'antichità cristiana, Roma, maggio 2007, con el título Aug.: 'conf.' V, 8, 15: Una riscrittura a palinsesto; forma parte de un estudio más amplio que próximamente editará Cittá Nuova.
Periodical:Augustinus. Revista trimestral publicada por los Agustinos Recoletos
Topic:- Biography > Relations and Sources > Platonism - Neo-platonism > Platonism of Varro, Cicero and Virgil > Virgil > Ennead
- Works > Confessiones > Conf. V > Conf. V, 15
Summary:Abstract: The article studies the lexical parallelism between the text of conf. 5, 15 and the Aeneid. From this parallel, semantic and semiotic conclusions are drawn, to show that one of the texts which lies under Conf 5, 15 as an hypotext is the text of Vigil's Aeneid, books IV-VI.