St. Augustine and the Vision of God

T. examines 'De quantitate animae' XXXIII, 70-76 and 'De Genesi ad litteram' XII and concludes that Augustine allowed mystical vision to men durung this life. T. acknowledges changes in A's reference between the two works. T. gives a good short exposition of texts and analysis. Even at the end of hi...

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Bibliographic Details
Author:Roland J. Teske
Published: Augustinian Historical Institute, Villanova, 1994
Peter Lang, New York,
Topic:- Biography > Person and Life > Augustin, the mystic
- Works > Dialogues / Early works > De animae quantitate > quant. 31 - 40 > quant. 33 > quant. 33,70-76
- Works > Exegetical works > De Genesi ad litteram > Gn. litt. 12
- Doctrine > Man > [Doctrine de la connaissance] > [Connaissance humaine de Dieu] > [Vision de Dieu - Repos en Dieu - Participation à Dieu] > [Vision de Dieu]
Parent Work: Augustine, Mystic and Mystagogue
Status:Needs Review