The Early Christian Attitude to War: A Contribution to the History of Christian Ethics

With a Foreword by the Rev. W. E. Orchard
Bibliographic Details
Author:Cecil John Cadoux
Other:William Edwin Orchard
Published: Seabury Press, New York, 1982
Kessinger Publishing, Whitefish (Mont), 2007
Nabu-Press, Charleston (SC), 2010
Hadley Bros., London, 1919
HarperCollins (Canada), 1984
Total Pages:XXVI - 272
ISBN:(1984) 978-0816424160; (2007) 978-0548743973; (2010) 978-1177804697
Topic:- Doctrine > Social Life > [Sociologie. Cité terrestre. Politique] > [Études d'ensemble] > War