Augustini Bekännelser

COnfessiones. Pa svenska med inledning.

Review of Söderbloms' introduction : Söderblom sees that in Augustine we have one of the most important people in Western Church theology. Heavily influenced by both Neoplatonism and Christianity and in the former Aug. had a genuine inner experience, such as Schleiermacher would have recognised in h...

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Dettagli Bibliografici
Traduttore:Nathan Söderblom
Pubblicazione: Geber, Stockholm, 1905
Pagine Totale:XXXII-196
Soggetto:- Opere > Confessiones > Temi > [Traductions]
Riassunto:Review of Söderbloms' introduction : Söderblom sees that in Augustine we have one of the most important people in Western Church theology. Heavily influenced by both Neoplatonism and Christianity and in the former Aug. had a genuine inner experience, such as Schleiermacher would have recognised in his theology. Negatively, Söderblom believes that in Confessions we have too much “self-promotion”, a negative view of sexuality and the raising up of the “monk ideal” as the best way to practice Christianity. Augustine was, however, faithful to the Scriptures and Confessions speaks of his (perhaps unintended) commitment to a religion in which experience plays a central role. -- Adrian Jervis