Studia Patristica. XCVIII. Papers presented at the Seventeenth International Conference on Patristic Studies held in Oxford 2015. Vol. 24 : St Augustine and his Opponents

Bibliographische Detailangaben
HerausgeberIn:Markus Vinzent
Veröffentlicht: Peeters, Leuven, 2017
Schriftenreihe:Studia Patristica
Gesamtanzahl Seiten:XVII-695 p.
ISBN:978 90 429 3594 5
Umfasst: Sold to sin through origo
Augustine and the economics of libido
The fate of Augustine's Genesis exegesis in medieval hexaemeral commentaries
Beginning again, becoming animal
Groaning with the Psalms
Non inveni tantam fidem in Israel
Christologie and exegesis in Augustine of Hippo's XVth tractate In Iohannis Evangelium
Greek or Hebrew? Augustine and Jerome on Biblical translation
Augustine's theory of signs
The drama of De magistro
The Holy Spirit and the Church in the earliest Augustine
Nondum me esse: Augustine's early ontology
Pseudo-Cyprian and the rebaptism controversy in Africa
'Stubborn and insolent' or 'enfeebled by riches'? The construction of Crispina's identity
Were the 'Donatists' a national or social movement in disguise?
The relation of the identity of North African Christians to the spiritual training in the letters of Augustine
The damnation of baptized infants according to Augustine
Defying Donatism subtly
Did Augustine change or broaden his perspective on baptism?
'They agreed with the followers of Arius'
The necessities of judgement: Augustine's juridical response to the Donatists
Why suicides instead of martyrs?
Augustine's intention in proceeding from 'mens, notitia, amor' to 'memoria, intellegentia, voluntas'
Augustine and Proba on the renewed union of man and woman in Christ's humanity and the Church
Augustine on omnipotence versus Porphyry based on appropriation of Plato's Timaeus 41ab
The resurrection body in Augustine
Une demande d'intercession bien maladroite
John of Jerusalem's profession of faith (CPG 3621) and the Pelagian controversy
The meaning of 'good works' in Augustine's anti-Pelagian writings
Re-dating Augustine's Ad Simplicianum</> 1.2 to the Pelagian controversy
Pelagius' narrative techniques, their rhetorical influences and negative responses from opponents concerning the acts of the synod of Diospolis
The controversy between Augustine and Julian of Eclanum
'This three-headed hellhound' : evil desire as the root (radix) of all sins in Augustine's sermons
Sacramental hermeneutics : Augustine's De doctrina Christiana in the Berengarian controversy
The silent word : speech in the Confessions
The creatureliness of time and the goodness of narrative in Augustine's Confessions
New light on time in Augustine's Confessions
Augustine's Confessions : a discourse analysis
Demonic historiography and the historical sublime in Augustine's City of God
The restoration word group in De civitate Dei, Books XI-XXII
Sapientia as dialectic in book XV of Augustine's De trinitate
Wonder and significance in Augustine's theology of miracles
Confession of a human being as darkness in Augustine
Does death sting? Some thoughts from the mature Augustine
Wisdom Christology in the works of st. Augustine
The predestinarian Gottschalk of Orbais
Speaking from the depths : Augustine and Luther's Christological reading of substantia in Psalm 69
The vulnerable slave-owner in Augustine's Sermons
Augustine and American professors in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries
Christoecclesial participation : Augustine, Zizioulas, and contemporary ecumenism
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