'In search of truth'

Augustine, Manichaeism and other gnosticism. Studies for Johannes van Oort at sixty.
Bibliographic Details
Editor:Jacob Albert van den Berg, Annemaré Kotzé, Tobias Nicklas, Madeleine Scopello
Honoree:Johannes van Oort
Published: Brill, Leiden-Boston, 2011
Series:Nag Hammadi and Manichaean Studies
Total Pages:XXXV-706, [24] p.
Child Work(s): Protreptic, paraenetic and Augustine's Confessions
Allegorical reading and writing in Augustine's Confessions
Augustine's Confessions as a consolation of philosophy
Augustine's sermones 29 and 29A on ps. 117,1 (118,1)
'Practicing what he had taught'
Die ungeschriebenen Briefe des Augustinus von Hippo
Eine rechtliche und theologische Fragen zu den abeloitae in Augustins De haeresibus
Der augustinische Häresiebegriff als Grundlage für die Ketzerverfolgung im Mittelalter
Judaism, Augustine and pope Benedict XVI on the plurality of opinions
Le fils prodigue vu par Augustin
Traces of Augustinian 'gnosis' in Julianus Pomerius' De vita contemplativa
The Manichaean cosmogonical myth as a 're-written bible'
Simplicus on Manichaean cosmogony
The veil and revelation of the Father of Greatness
The treasure of the Manichaean spiritual life
Manichaean ritual practice at ancient Kellis
Jesus, Mani, and Augustine
Augustine and his sources
Globus horribilis : the role of the bolos in Manichaean eschatology and its polemical transformation in Augustine's anti-Manichaean writings
Optimi viri sanctissimique
Did Augustine win his debate with Fortunatus?
Secundinus in der Diskussion mit Augustinus über das malum
The Doctrine of the Soul in Manichaeism and Augustine
The Disputation with Felix
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